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Why Great Content In SEO Services Matter

02:49 intelicle 2 Comments Category :

Digital marketing is a field that is forever evolving. One needs to adapt and adjust to new approaches in order to stay up the game.
But if there is one thing that stays the same, it is good content, a good blog or article will always with the day. Any SEO services agency who are good in their game will have knowledge of this point and will keep you updated about it too.
If you have a technically well-optimised website and you have got good and informative content on your website, then you have the potential to rank well in the world of search engines.
For a long time businesses focused more on finding shorter ways of getting ranked high, without really thinking about what is good for the consumer. But Google thinks only about the customer. They want to give the best search experience where the right and relevant content always comes on top search.
What Makes Good Content?
A good content is made from three things: unique, compelling and engaging. It should show you something you have not seen before or teach you something you don’t know.
For SEO services good content is really important, the acid test for any content is: would you share it with your friends and family? If not, then it’s probably not good.
The Evolution Of SEO Services
Once upon a time it was called Search Engine Optimisation, but like out digital marketing team explained us it has become more integrated. Their work now includes paid media (ppc, display ads) owned media (mobile web, A/B testing, client website) and earned media and it all needs to work together for being successful.
Google now uses social media as a ranking factor, so if you have social profiles and you are actively engaging with the followers, then that will also count in your favor.
The Benefit Of Back-links
Back-links are still in the game of the good old SEO. They are votes of confidence for your website. But not all “votes” are the same, some have more worth than others. A link to your website from Huffpost for example will carry more weight than a link from a regular blog. More links to your website doesn’t mean high rankings. That is just a myth. When it comes to back linking it means quality over quantity. Googles Penguin algorithm clearly mentioned that, and you should forget about paying for links – that’s a big NO.
Final Thought
Excellent quality content naturally attracts traffic and sharing - and that is the most valuable assets if you are looking to rank well in the search engines.
How Can Intelicle Help?
Are you looking for seo services in Nottingham? Intelicle is a well-known SEO expert in Nottingham and can assist you in growing your business organically by offering search engine optimization services. If you want to get the most out of today’s online marketing competition, contact us now.



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